Today we went to pick up the cake for after church – and spent 10 -15 minutes in the freezer in the store. The tornado sirens went off in town. They made an announcement over the intercom to either leave the building or go to the freezers until the all clear was given. Having the baby with
us we went to the freezer.
There were about 20 people in the freezer we were in, all standing around shivering. It has been above average in temperatures here for several days, which of course leads to tornado weather around here. And the sirens went off because of a sighting close to where we live!
But every thing is fine. There was only a funnel cloud which never touched the ground, a little hail, a little wind and a little rain. We’re still in a severe thunderstorm watch, but it seems to be going south and east of us. I don’t know how well it’s showing up in the picture, but the sky was very orange when this picture was taken, and very dark looking to the south.
Oh, the joys of living in Kansas in the spring time!
Gosh, that sounds awful having to spend 20 minutes in the freezer! I suppose there are worse things (like the funnel cloud turning into a full on tornado), but still! Poor baby! Glad it all ended up okay. 🙂
Sounds like spring has hit the midwest. It has been raining in DM, Iowa for the last two days. Lets hope we don’t have a lot of tornado this year.
I’m hoping for a quiet spring as well, Sharon. I hope it quit raining in DM.
It was quite the experience, TattingChic. We were all quite relieved when everything died down. I guess it will made an interesting note in his baby book.