So I thought I’d try something else. Being an avid watcher of HGTV and DYI network I had heard some of the criteria they suggest for choosing artwork. It should be something that reflects your personal style. It could be something to do with your hobbies or interests. Hobbies or interests, ah hah! Maybe I could do something with my tatting!
I pulled out a doily I had done and chose several of my favorite shuttles. Then I had to find a good background, finally deciding to use the wooden seat of my grandmother’s organ stool. I took a lot of pictures of different shuttles in different positions on the doily, with different lighting. The final choice was two shuttles my husband bought from The Shuttle Shop four years ago as my Christmas present (such a sweetie!). Then get it enlarged and put it in a frame with matting. The frame is wood with a slight red tint.
I really like the result, what do you think? But it just wasn’t big enough to fill the space on the wall I wanted it on all by itself. So I had to come up with something else. Hmmm. To be continued…
And now, for Hope and JulenaJo, and anyone else who might be interested, the pattern for the beaded maroon snowflake in my previous post. Try it at your own risk, there may be mistakes or omissions lurking. If they find you, or vise versa, let me know and I will try to help you.
Beaded Snowflake
November 2008
R=ring; Ch=chain; SCMR=self closing mock ring; B=bead; RW=reverse work; += join; DNRW=do not reverse work
2 Shuttles
30 beads – added to picots during join except where specified
Shuttle and Ball
R 1-(very small)2-2-2-2-2-12. RW
Ch 3-2-2-2-2-2-2-3+w/B to 6th p of prev R. RW
*R 2-2-2-2-2-12. RW
Ch 3-2-2-2-2-2-2-3+w/B to 5th p of prev R. RW*
Repeat between * 4 times, + w/B to 1st p of 1st R.
2 Shuttles
Add 6 beads to Sht1 before starting.
Sht1 R 2-2-3 B 3-2-2. RW
Sht1 SCMR 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2+w/B to 7th p of Ch of center, 2 +w/B to 1st p of next Ch of center, 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2+ to base of prev R. RW
Sht2 Ch 5-2-2-2-2-5. RW
Sht1 R 5 +w/B to 4th p of Ch of center, 5. RW
Sht2 Ch 5-2-2-2-2-5. DNRW
Repeat from start of Outside 5 times, join last Ch to base of 1st R.
It’s MAGNIFICENT! I love it! What a fabulous idea! plan on framing a huge doily some day and this is just amazing. Love the idea that the wood in the background is from your Grandmother’s organ stool. It’s just beautiful!
The wall art is FANTASTIC Wanda! WELL DONE! You may be starting a trend!
Thank you, TattingChic and LadyShuttleMaker. I’m glad you like it. It looks pretty good on the wall, too!
Great job with the art work! Thanks for the pattern, too. Now I’ll have to see if I can actually DO it! 🙂
It’s a jolly good idea, Wanda. Love the first wall art. More coming along soon?
Thanks JulenaJo. When you get it done I would really like to see it.
Thanks, Valerie. Yes, stay tuned, I’ll show you what else I came up with.
I love the wall art….great idea. I have quilted wallhangings on my walls. I plan on incorporating tatting into my quilting and putting some on my quilts. Good job. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
I love the shuttles! Where did you say they came from? I looked for The Shuttle Shop on the web and only got a yarn shop or an article on Chris’s shuttles, but no way to find or contact him/them.