Pattern is for a ball 2 ¼“ in diameter, using size 20 thread. Number of stitches in chains will need to be adjusted for different diameter balls and thread sizes.
2 shuttles, beads on both
*Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2-2-2-7 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 B 10 join to 5th p of prev R. RW*
Repeat between * until there are 10 rings and chains.
$ Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 (with one bead in R) 5-5 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 join to base of next R. DNRW $
Repeat between $ all the way around. Cut and finish ends
@Sht1 (with one bead in R) 2-2-2—2-2-2. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5+5 join to R of Top, pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at mouth of R. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 RW @
Repeat between @ around. Cut and finish ends
^ Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2+2-2-2 join to long p of Middle R , pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5-5. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Ch 10 RW ^
Repeat between ^ around. Cut and finish ends
Insert ball into tatting. As tatting is adjusted around ball evenly, pin in place.
When happy with placement insert a pin in the center bottom of ball. Thread needle with about 12” of tatting thread. With thumb hold down about 2” of thread, then pull needle through p of 5-5 R opposite the pin. Count 5 or 6 rings over, pull thread through p, repeat, each time going on the far side of the pin (thread will have to make a turn at the pin). This will weave the rings evenly at the bottom. Tie and cut when happy with tension. Work in loose end and cut. Remove pin.
This is a lovely pattern! 🙂
Wanda, Thank you for the pointer to the 25 motif challenge. I will join it soon I promise.
I do love what you did with this pattern. I am so honored that people are starting to use my patterns and my ideas for inserting beads. this is so cool. I am sure it will not go to my head tho. hehehahah Thank you for posting this. I love your idea for the ornament.
Beautiful Ornament!
I love ball ornaments covered with tatting… this one is especially lovely! Maybe I’ll get some done after Christmas!
That is so cute! I, too, keep thinking that covering an ornament is hard. That’s why I’ve never done it. Looks like it’s time to attempt one! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your pattern.
Thanks for the pattern! This is next on my list of ornament covers to make.
I love your tatting blog and all the patterns! I've been tatting for about 14 years and recently moved to Pratt, Kansas. Where in Kansas do you live?
Thanks, TattingChic.
You have some great ideas, Msquared. A little swelled head might be okay.
Thank you, Bonnie.
Thank you, Diane. I would love to see it if you make it.
Steph, that's what I thought, too. That's why this is the first one I've tried. It wasn't too hard, and I like how it turned out.
I love your ornaments Marty. I really appreciate that you like this one.
I'm glad you like this Christine. I live in north of Wichita in Moundridge.