I am back to tatting, though mostly bookmarks. I have had several requests for bookmarks, not anything particular, which means I get to make whatever I want.
Simple split ring bookmark
I made this simple split-ring bookmark on request from a friend as a gift to one of her friends. Both were happy with the result. I’m glad, because I almost forgot, and this was simple enough that it didn’t take me long. I did get the color right!
January 2025 bookmark
I was contemplating what I should do for another bookmark, so I started doodling. I’m not too sure about this one, though I’ve started another similar one. I’ve changed the stitch counts and the ring counts but using a top very close to this one. I’ll see if I like it any better.
I recently realized how far behind I am in writing some of my patterns. I was asked for the pattern for the Iris Cross Bookmark. I had previously been asked about this pattern but I never finished it. So, I am back at it. My apologies for those who have been waiting.
Iris Cross Bookmark 2025
I had been debating what stitch counts I would use for it back in 2023, and I’m still debating. I guess if I’m having trouble deciding what I should make next this is as good as anything.
I was also asked about the Wine Cork Angel Wings, such as thread size, wire size, bead size. I updated the pattern on My Patterns page.
Now, back to the patterns.
“You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for.” Craig Bruce
A question was recently posted on my Facebook page about whether the pattern was available for buttons I had made in 2016. I had to do a bit of review on which buttons and if there was a pattern for them. The post was about tatting for International Tatting Day and the decorated buttons I had made to give away. There are actually several posts about them, but I never posted about the patterns.
Buttons from 2016
Most of the buttons from that time were variations of the same pattern. Looking through my patterns I see that I had never posted these buttons. I had written a pattern, which I found after I remade it. As someone asked about these, I have added the pattern on My Patterns page as Buttons From 2016.
I seem to be falling behind on writing out my patterns. There are also at least two patterns that I started writing out that I can’t find where I put them (what file they are in). While looking through older patterns I see where some could be improved. I’ve also got a few that I’ve written out but not shared.
Hmm, I need to get busy! How about you?
“The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.” Jonas Salk
Happy New Year! I hope you all are having a good start to 2025. It has started well for me, but I’m having trouble coming up with inspiration to write.
I haven’t done a lot of tatting since the craft show at the beginning of December. We had many things going on to get ready for family get-togethers and a trip leaving me with little time to tat. After a while, I also didn’t have the desire to tat. This happens to me frequently after an intense time of creativity. I suppose my brain needs a rest.
After Christmas, my husband and I visited our daughter in Colorado. She and her kids had made it down for the family day, but couldn’t spend more than a full day before starting back. My husband and I decided to visit them before the new year. It was a wonderful visit! We spent most of the weekend playing games with the whole family. We also took a day trip with the grandkids to Estes Park and the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park.
With the grandkids at RMNP
I did get a bit of tatting done on the drive back and forth to Colorado. Not much, but at least a shuttle was used.
Last of 2024 tatting
While we were gone my order from Tatting Corning came, which was thread I had ordered on Lisa’s 12 Days of Christmas sale. Maybe one of them will be inspiration to tat.
12 Days of Christmas order
Considering the weather here, I should have plenty of time to tat. We started getting icy rain at about 6:00 a.m. today, and it is supposed to continue through the night. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow all day. What better way to spend the time, right?
While we are stuck at home I should probably start taking down the Christmas things, though I’m not really ready to. They all make the house a little brighter. They also remind me of the memories made with them. This year I gave ornaments to my granddaughter and told her to decorate the tree. These ornaments included a stack of tatting, some of which I had just made, including wings for wine ornament angels. She thought the wings made wonderful decorations for the tree.
Angel wings on the tree
While I was busy tatting for the craft show I could think of so many things I wanted to work on besides the Christmas items. Did I write them down? No. Can I remember them now? No. I’ll start something soon, and maybe come up with what I should have written down.
What have you started your new year with?
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.” Neil Gaiman
We recently replaced the seat in my husband’s old truck. After seeing decorated springs on Pinterest, I convinced my husband to help me take out all of the springs from the old seat so I could play with them. I have had a lot of fun with them!
Spring with snowflake
My versions all have tatting attached in some way. When I told my sister over the phone what I was doing, she could not visualize the concept at all. Once she saw them, she was very enthusiastic about them.
Angel tree
I’ve also made a lot of wings for wine cork angels. And had quite a few people volunteer to give me more corks ☺. Between the angel wings, small snowflakes, and angels, I’ve been very busy tatting and assembling ornaments. I needed tatting done for a craft show my sister and I attended.
Craft show 2024
We did this craft show because we saw how well the vendors did last year. It is not a big show, but it was well attended. The booths were about eight feet wide but only half that wide, making the set-up interesting. Unfortunately, there were very few customers to see our booth. The weather was much warmer than last year, and people just weren’t coming in, let alone shopping. It wasn’t a complete bust but I’m glad it wasn’t an expensive show. We did a good job with what we had.
The good news is I have a lot of angels and springs to give to my family for Christmas! Both the springs and the angels were big hits. And I have a lot of corks to make more angels for next year.
My sister, who started tatting again last year, decorated ball ornaments for family. She has done an amazing job!
Ornament tatted by my sister
I got one, too! Love it!
The pattern for these is from a book my sister bought at Tatting Corner last July, Tatting Christmas Decorations by Bziukiewicz. She has enjoyed this book immensely. She started with the easiest and has begun working on the more complicated ones.
How is your Christmas and holiday tatting going? Have you accomplished what you wanted?
“Tatting picots calms my rushing mind.” Gloria Nelson, Sparkling Light Creation Studio
I am working on items for a December 7, 2024 craft show. As I usually do for craft shows I’m doing small things instead of large items. This year it’s angels, specifically, wine cork angels. Of course, there had to be a new pattern for the wings.
A few weeks ago I shared my ideas of the wine cork angels. Over several weeks I worked on patterns to determine which was more appealing to me.
Wing variations
I started with the ones at the top, making changes here and there. The two second from the bottom are smaller and good for smaller corks, like whiskey corks. The two on the bottom are what I decided to go with, and specifically the one on the lower right.
Wine Cork Angel Wings v 2 Wine cork angel wings v 1
The difference between these two versions is one split ring after the tip of the wings. This shapes the wings slightly narrower. The second version is the one I wrote out the pattern for. It can be found on My Patterns page as Wine Cork Angel Wings v. 2.
Between a friend and my brother-in-law, who each gifted me with a large bag of wine corks, I have a lot of wings to make!
I hope that your seasonal tatting is going well. Snowflakes? Snowmen? Angels?
“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitley
Well, it’s been awhile again since I last posted. It’s not that I don’t have anything to post about, I just haven’t sat down to do it. ‘Sigh’
I was recently asked to demonstrate tatting for two groups, one at our local senior center and also for a crochet and knitting group in a nearby town. Both demonstrations were on the same day, one in the morning and one in the evening. That worked great because I could have everything together and in the car without too many trips of carrying things in and out of the house.
The timing for the local demonstration turned out to be not so good. Several people who were particularly interested in attending had conflicting events pop up, so they could not come. It wasn’t a washout. I spent two hours talking about tatting and teaching a lady the basics. We both had fun. I gave her a shuttle and thread to take home so she could continue to work on it. Unfortunately, I didn’t get pictures of her tatting. I’ll likely do another demonstration soon when more can attend.
The other demonstration was attended by six ladies of a group that meets once a month. They meet at a city library that is a central location from where the members live, which is pretty spread out. I brought several books, shuttles, and examples to share, and worked on having a talk ready if needed. Instead, they all jumped in, eager to try tatting. One lady, Jeanne, brought in a bunch of shuttles she had ordered for the occasion. I’m not sure where she found them. Some looked like Clover shuttles but didn’t have a name on them, others were a bit larger, but again, didn’t have a name on them. I gave each of them thread for their shuttles and some for a chain, and away they went!
Showing what the stitch looks like with really big shuttles.Showing what to look for
While they loaded their shuttles I showed them ‘the flip’ using paracord. Bethany helped hold out the cord so I could make the stitches using large shuttles my husband made for this purpose. Doing it this way is not as pretty or easy as normal, but it shows the thread change when making the double stitch. Then I went around and worked with each of them individually.
Bethany, Jeanne, and AnneShana and Sandi
One of the ladies had to leave before I took the pictures (Lori?). What is interesting about teaching people who already do thread handcrafts is they have previously developed a way to hold the thread. Within these six ladies, I believe six different ways were used.
Showing a few pointers
Thanks to Jeanne and Shana for taking pictures, and the entire Sticks and Thread group for inviting me. It was an enjoyable evening for me, and I think it was for them as well.
Later that same week my sister and I were interviewed for a county newspaper about our crafts that we will be selling at a Christmas craft show in December. The journalist is talking to several artisans who will be there, not just us. When the journalist called my sister to set up the appointment she was surprised that tatting was one of the crafts. She thought it was a ‘lost’ art. (Where have we heard that before?) My sister and I laid out some of our work for pictures and the journalist was quite impressed. The paper is supposed to come out the week of Thanksgiving (next week). Oh, boy!
I’ve also had time to tat. I’ve done a bunch of angel wings for my cork angels, but they are not stiffened or glued on. I need to do that, as well as make more snowflakes. I did have to get out another ball of white in both size 10 and size 20. I want to make a few things that aren’t white before the show, but that means I’ll have to get out a few more shuttles. I wonder if I have any empty ones?
Are you working on anything for Christmas?
“One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody’s listening.” Franklin P. Jones
At this time of the year, it seems to me that the holidays are coming very fast. It doesn’t help that stores don’t seem to know what holiday it is. You can find Halloween, Thanksgiving (if you’re lucky), and Christmas goods at the same time in any given store right now. As a crafter, that’s good, so you can get started on your holiday gifts and decorations if you haven’t already. But right now I’m having trouble deciding which holiday I want to work on! They are all so enticing! This is also a time of a lot of seasonal activities.
We celebrated Reformation Day this previous Sunday. The actual day is October 31, which doesn’t fall on a Sunday this year. All Saints’ Day is November 1, which we celebrate this coming Sunday. I took my framed Luther’s Rose to services this past Sunday and had a lot of people stop to look and read it. That made me happy.
Holding my framed Luther’s Rose below the banner.
Last Friday I attended Bingo at the Legion with my sister and niece. It was Halloween-themed, so people were encouraged to dress up. My niece went all out. (She also calls the games) I just wore what I had decorated for Palmetto‘s Tat Days a few years ago. I wasn’t a specific person, but I dressed up.
Dressed up for Bingo
Last week we attended the school play our grandson was in, ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ where he was Ichabod Crane. All the cast and crew did a great job, but he was outstanding, even if I say so myself. (☺) He is also the Costume Designer. It wasn’t put on for Halloween per se, just their fall production, but the timing and theme made it so.
Grandson as Ichabod Crane
I can’t say that I am crafting much for Thanksgiving, but I have already got a great start on Christmas. Besides tatted snowflakes and angels, I’m doing wine cork angels. I saw this idea online but added tatting to my version.
Wine cork angel
I got carried away with making wings. I have done three or four different versions so far. I think I’m going to stay with this version as it is the right size, doesn’t take much time, and is a one-pass pattern. I have a jar of various wine corks that we have collected over time. I might as well put them to good use!
I have another jar of corks from whiskey bottles we’ve collected. They are a bit shorter than wine corks so I made a different pattern for the wings to see how they would do as angels. What do you think?
Whiskey cork angel
This pattern is also one pass, meaning a lot less hiding ends. I am debating about adding closed eyes to the angels but leaving the rest of the face blank. I do not have a steady hand and do not want to mess up the faces! Do they need something for the faces?
I’m glad that my hobby does not have to be done outdoors. We’ve had record high temperatures here in the Midwest, USA and high winds. It doesn’t help that we are in a drought right now as well. Yesterday, it was so dusty and brown outside! You could also smell smoke from wildfires in Oklahoma. With this much wind and dry ground fires are easily started and hard to keep from spreading. Usually, I can see fields and a tree line way past what is seen here.
Blowing dust
My sister and I are planning to be at a craft show the first weekend of December. I’m hoping that the cork angels go over well. If they don’t, I guess I’ll have family ornaments done!
I’ve started on my holiday tatting, have you?
“Something strange happened long ago in a valley called “Sleepy Hollow.” “
It’s weeks later than what I had promised it would be, but the pattern for Luther’s Rose is done! I’m sharing today, before I’ve test-tatted it, because Reformation Day is celebrated this coming Sunday. I don’t believe it is a hard pattern to tat, so you may have time to do it before this Sunday. There are a lot of repeats, so once you get going it shouldn’t be too hard. It has taken me much longer to write out the pattern that it takes to tat it! I haven’t test tatted the entire thing yet, but I wanted to get it out there. Let me know if a problem gets you. (I updated the pattern to correct issues 11/01/2024)
Framed Luther’s Rose
I framed the Rose and added Luther’s description of it. This is an 8×10 frame, the Rose is 4 5/8″ (12 cm) across. I had to make the words of the description in 10 pt instead of 12 pt so it would fit in the space left. As I’m not giving this one away I can change that part later if I want.
I don’t remember the size of the original Rose that I made back in 2017. I think the frame I put that one in was slightly bigger, maybe 11×13 inches, so comparing them in the pictures isn’t really much help. I do like how this looks in the frame. I’m curious which one you like better, this one or the original.
I’ve also been tatting for Christmas already. Shocker, right? I usually don’t get started until December! I’ve been using shuttles that my husband, Jack, has made for me. I’m loving them! They are light and soooo smooth! I carry them with me in a mint tin so they don’t get damaged in my purse.
Christmas tatting, with shuttles by Jack
All of these are my patterns. The snowflakes are simple ones, almost doodles. There are a lot of snowflake patterns out there that may be similar, but I was only doing ones that came to me as I tatted. The little angel is ‘Small Angel’, which is found on My Patterns page. The larger angel is the first pattern I ever designed myself way back in the late eighties. This represents only a few of what I already have done, but I need quite a few more. But, hey, it’s still October, I might have time!
I’ve done it again, haven’t I? It’s been several weeks since I last posted. It’s not that I don’t have things to post about, it’s just getting time and pictures to do it.
I’ll start with the Luther’s Rose pattern I promised. Do you know how much harder it is to diagram and write out a pattern than it is to just tat it? I’ve been working on it and it seems to keep getting longer and longer. I even took my computer with me on a trip just so I could work on this pattern. And it still isn’t done! It didn’t help that I had a bad attack of allergies while we were gone, making it hard to concentrate. Now that we are home again I’ve made a lot of progress but still have a bit to go. And I have not reviewed it to find mistakes! I have the cross, the heart, and the white rose parts diagrammed and, I think, tat-able. If anyone would like to get started on it to have it done by Reformation, and don’t mind taking a chance on the pattern, email me. (wandasknottythoughts (at) gmail.com) Update 10/24/2024: pattern can be found on the My Patters page.
We’ve been traveling quite a bit lately. My last post was right after we got back from Branson, Missouri. A week after we got home from there we went to Colorado to visit our daughter and take her dog back. They moved at the start of September and it was easier for us to keep her dog until they got into their house. After a month we took the dog to their new home and stayed a week with them. This is where I had the allergy attack. I am allergic to their male cat. I don’t have much trouble unless I pet him and then don’t wash my hands right away. The good news is that I had time to tat in the car on the drive, which is about nine hours each way, as well as the trip to and from Branson.
My other daughter, who still lives close by, requested more bookmarks. These paperclip bookmarks are easy to do while riding in the car. I don’t have to try and keep track of where I am in a pattern, which is great. My daughter still wants more, but this was a great start.
I also started on snowflakes for Christmas while we were traveling. I’m not fond of tatting with white while not at home due to the chances of it getting dirty, but I did it anyway. I have plans for small snowflakes this year and need quite a few. I wasn’t following any patterns, just making easy ones.
On a more serious note, have you read Jane Eborall’s post of October 14, 2024, on her ‘Tatting and Not a Lot Else’ blog? She found several “tatting” books that are awful. I’ve been hearing about a lot of fakes out there that are possibly made with AI or people stealing other’s work. I highly recommend that you use caution when buying any new craft books of any kind.
Besides hoping to get the pattern finished, I hope to have pictures of some of the other tatting that I’ve been doing ready soon. And to post faster!
I didn’t plan on it being a last-minute anything, but I just didn’t get on it fast enough – again. I had the ideas and I still didn’t get to it in time. But I did get it done on time.
Once a month, other than a couple of months in the summer, there is a Bingo game put on by the American Legion Auxiliary which my sister is a member of. The entry is a white elephant gift, usually a bit nicer than I think of as a white elephant gift. I decided to take a bottle decorated with tatting. I had a month to do it and I did it on the day of.
Kitty on a bottle gift
I used my Button Kitty pattern for this, with a few modifications; beads for the eyes and nose, and a couple of extra rings. I used Lizbeth #HH10696 Autumn Orange Med with a 3/4″ (7/8th”?) 4-hole button, the beads are 8/0. The kitty looked a little lonely there by itself, but a few flowers made it look less lonely.
Kitty on a Bottle side
On one side I added this flower, made in Lizbeth HH20695 Bright Orange on a 1/2″ 4-hole button. It’s a simple ring and chain pattern. A doodled leaf in Lizbeth HH20684 Leaf Green Med helped sell it as a flower.
Kitty on a bottle other side
The flower on the other side of the kitty is made of HH20695 and HH20696 on a 1/2″ 4-hole button, also with a simple ring and chain pattern. I added two leaves on this side, the same pattern as the other.
I liked how this came out on the burlap wrapped around a Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce bottle. Looking at the picture – after it was given away – I should have put several rounds of jute around the top of the burlap. I think it would have given it a more finished look.
I finished the gift with a bunch of fake sunflowers to make it a vase. When the gift was won and opened there was quite a conversation about tatting among the attendees. That is always a win.
I haven’t finished the Luther’s Rose pattern yet. We took a little vacation, which put me behind on the pattern. My plan at the moment is to work hard on it this week. Maybe I can finish it by the weekend? I’ll try!