Working on the Wings

I’m still working on the pattern for the wings I used for my tree-topper angel. I modified the wings I used for my hymnal angel and am happy with how they came out for the tree-topper, but I think the larger wings could be done better. I’m also modifying the original pattern because I think it could be done better, as well.

Larger wings on the tree-topper angel on wandasknottythoughts
Larger wings on the tree-topper angel

I attached the wings on the tree-topper angel without joining them together. It has a much wider body than the hymnal angel, so it was impractical to join them as I had the other. When I tatted these you could say I was ‘winging’ it, trying to make them big enough to work with the body of the tree-topper. I would like to write out the pattern, but with something I am a bit happier with.

I made a wing only slightly modified from my original wing pattern in size 10 and the version of the wing I’m working on now, also in size 10.

Wings in two sizes on wandasknottythoughts
Wings in two sizes

The new wing is quite a bit larger than the original. The newest version I’ve been working on is slightly bigger than the one I put on the angel.

Wing comparisons on wandasknottythoughts
Wing comparisons

When both are made in size 10 you can see that the newer version is only slightly bigger than the one on the angel but I think is a bit firmer. I also am leaving off the joining picots on the outside of the chains, but they can easily be added back in if desired.

Angel wings in two sizes on wandasknottythoughts
Angel wings in two sizes

Wings A and B are the newer pattern, A in size 20, B in size 10. C and D are the old pattern with a slight modification in the centers, C in size 10, D in size 20. I’ve been debating about the stitch count of the chains but I think I found something that works.

Now the hard work starts – writing up the pattern. It feels like walking after I learned to fly.

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. Ray Bradbury

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