I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I should make for my Christmas ornaments this year. These are gifts I give to close family and friends, each year different from the others. Some years I get an idea and everything comes together easily, other years, not so much. This year it was a little bit of a search but it came together rather nicely once I started.
I started thinking about something I had done a few years ago. In 2013 I decorated small bags with bits of tatting. On a couple of the bags, I had a bird made of material and a tatted wing. I liked how this wing came out and thought I might build on it for something more.

I wondered if I could use this wing to make wings for angels. This is a simple pattern that didn’t take long, which is always a good thing especially when I have a limited amount of time to get things done. Of course, I’d need two wings and figure out how they will attach to each other.

I’m very happy with how these came out. You might notice that the center of these wings has seven rings instead of the six rings of the bird’s wing. This was an un-noticed modification that I didn’t plan on. It changes the shape of the tips slightly, but in a pleasing way, so this is what I continued to do.
Something I wanted to incorporate in the ornaments this year was sheet music. Several years ago our church bought the most recent version of hymnals. We still had the previous two versions of hymnals, but not enough places to put all of them. The bookstores locally don’t have much call for this many hymnals, but I hated to just throw them away. Guess what? I kept them. I’ve been looking for some way to utilize them ever since. So I thought I would incorporate them in my ornament this year.

This is my first attempt, which I’m happy with. Then I had to make more.

Then it was on to making a bunch of wings. I wanted to give angels to my family at Thanksgiving, so I had to get a move on. If I don’t make mistakes they don’t take very long and I can get a lot done while I’m the passenger on the way to work. I thought white would be a bit too stark to go with the hymnal music, so I made all of them so far with Ecru in size 10.

Check out my choir of angels. I got all six of them that I needed to get done just in time! You can see I changed up the body just a bit, but either way, they came out well.
I still have a lot of Christmas tatting to do, more wings and a few other things, too. What are you tatting?
UPDATE – The pattern for these wings is done! It is on the My Patterns page.
“When we are touched by something it’s as if we’re being brushed by an angel’s wings.” Rita Dove https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/rita_dove_345421
So clever!
Awesome angels!!! 🙂
I am sure they will be treasured keepsake ornaments!!! 🙂
Love your angels,
I am tatting red snowflakes for my sister in law her tree is red and white, I have some white snowflakes ready made but she would like some red ones as well
Just stated today the tatting advent calendar on Facebook.just finished day one.
I’m a new tatter and I just came across your Angel Wings. I would love to have this pattern.
My cousin plays quite a few instruments and plays for a church. This would be perfect to send her for Christmas. I live in York, PA, she lives in Omaha, NE. We are too old to travel that far, but I believe I could have this completed and mailed in time for this Christmas.
Thank you so much. This was very kind of you.
Thank you, Mellane! I’m sending the pattern to you. It sounds like a wonderful gift for your cousin.
Your angels are lovely. I’d like to make some for my tree and my daughters. I’ve always loved angels, maybe because of my name. Thanks in advance.
Thank you, Angela. I’ve sent you the pattern. I’m sure you and your daughters will enjoy them.
Muy hermosas alitas. Gracias por compartir. Me encantaría me obsequiaras el patrón, todavía estoy a tiempo de hacerlos para la cena.
Mi correo es lilycaldelas2@gmail.com
Un abrazo cariñoso desde Xalapa, Veracruz México.
Thank you. This pattern is on my Patterns page, listed as Angel Wings and Hymnal Angel.
I would love this pattern to remember my son.
Thank you. This pattern is on my Patterns page, listed as Angel Wings and Hymnal Angel.
I want to make these for my office staff. We have all lost loved ones theses past two years.
Could you please send the pattern? It is too blurry in your My Pattern section
Thank you so very much for sharing!!