A pretty teacup

This was supposed to be posted yesterday for Tatting Tea Tuesday but I have lost my photo editor on my computer. I tried re-installing it but I can’t find the disk.  So instead of several pictures I have one.
I was in a local antique store/flea market a couple of weeks ago and saw this pretty teacup.  It has no markings on the bottom to indicate maker or anything else but I thought it was pretty and so elegant looking.  So I brought it home.  I think I should dress up and wear a hat to drink tea out of this, don’t you?
Lizbeth size 20 in #617 Magenta Med and #644 Boysenberry Dk
I was inspired to make a doily to go along with the teacup.  I think I chose the colors at night with bad lighting as they don’t match the cup like I thought they did.  Oops.
The first seven rounds of this doily went pretty smoothly but the last two took forever!  I just couldn’t get it to do what I wanted it to. I kept changing my mind on those last two rounds, which probably took as long to tat as all the others put together. And I think I should have reduced the stitch count on the last round.  The doily ended up being just over seven inches across when finally finished.  It had to be blocked a lot before it would stay flat, due, I’m sure, to those last two rounds of (mostly) chains.  I’m thinking of doing it again in different colors and changing the stitch count in a couple of places. And maybe the dark thread at the center.
The shuttle is made of horn.  I haven’t tatted much with it as it’s pretty slick, I keep dropping it.  It is marred on both sides though I’m not sure how that happened.  It is still a pretty shuttle.  
There hasn’t been much tatting in the last week and I’m not sure there will be much in the next week.  There are a lot of family things going on and it’s hard to tat with a lap full of children.  I’m not complaining.  I’ll just smile and sip my tea.
“When in doubt drink tea”

7 thoughts on “A pretty teacup”

  1. It is absolutely beautiful, if you add another round, I would use a green to match the stripe in the tea cup. Leave the rest alone it would frame it in so nicely to me, any way! 🙂

  2. I have a similar tea cup, also found at a thrift store. Same shape, same colors and style of roses, somewhat different design…also no marking at all. A part of a gold foil sticker on the bottom, but nothing to be read on it. I have been most curious as to its provenance so to speak 🙂 I like the doily design…it is lovely, I too like the idea of the addition of some green…not too much, but a little green might be just the thing.

  3. When I first looked at the picture I thought what a lovely doily that matched the cup but then I read it's not quite the right shades, well I think it's lovely and looks beauitful with the tea cup.
    Funny how photos play tricks with colours.
    I like your doily design perhaps with a little green.

  4. My mom served coffee to her friends when I was a child using a different pattern of cup and saucer for each guest. Inspired by those memories, I started a similar collection. Even when I'm enjoying a private tatting tea party for one, I love selecting a cup and saucer from my collection. It has been packed up in recent months, but you remind me I need to unpack it again. Thanks for sharing.

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