I’ve had the idea for while to make a bracelet with buttons and finally found a combination of buttons and thread that I like. I’ve given this to one of my daughters to try out for awhile. She has instructions to let me know what she thinks of it, what works and what doesn’t. She hasn’t got back to me about it yet though I’m anxiously waiting. I have some other, really cute buttons I would like to do this to but if there is something I should do differently I’d like to know before I start.
It’s funny, for as many hearts as I did for Valentine’s Day I haven’t done a thing for Easter. I guess it’s still a few days away, I could still get something made…
Thank you to all of you who asked after my mom. She is doing very well and is back home. She does have some in-home care and a neighbor who checks in frequently so I’m not too concerned about her being alone. She did spend a few days in rehab to get some of her strength back, which also relieved my sister and I. We were afraid she would try to go straight home from the hospital. This situation could have been a lot worse. We are very grateful of how well things are working out and how well she is getting along.
“We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine.”
Dwight L. Moody
Beautiful hat!
I love breacelet, beautiful colour!
Lovely hat, and beautiful bracelet.
I am glad to hear your mum is back home and getting better slowly.
I love the idea of a hat medallion, and the blue is perfect! Now, if I could only stand wearing hats. 😉
Love the motif on the hat!!!! It's so elegant!!! 🙂
Love the bracelet design and color!!!! 🙂
LOVE that little hat button. Looks great.
Fox : )